Apr 5, 2011

Body Language : What Hands and Arms Say About People

There are a few basic rules you have to dredge up when looking at hand gestures..n here is a great n simple thing about hands n more links..sorry guys i wanted to talk about this but have limited time ^_^
will try to do it someday :) n plz share ur thought so i can learn More..hehe

Harish K


Dapoon said...

Great post! Check out this link, talks a lot more about Body language. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3323021761394989726#

(It's the first of the six episodes of the amazing documentary "The Human Animal"). :)

Harish k said...

Thx for the share Dapoon will check it out ^_^

bhashkar_suainlogistic said...

Thanks for making it so interesting.